The Do’s and Don’ts of Home Remodeling: A Guide to Saving Your Sanity (and Your Wallet)

Melissa Bradford

The Do’s and Don’ts of Home Remodeling: A Guide to Saving Your Sanity (and Your Wallet)Ah, home remodeling. The word itself conjures visions of dream kitchens, spa-like bathrooms, and magazine-worthy living rooms. But as anyone who’s ventured down this road knows, the path to remodeling nirvana is littered with potential pitfalls. Dive in without preparation, and you might find yourself stuck in a renovation purgatory. But fear not! Here’s your guide to the do’s and don’ts of home remodeling. For more information on home renovations and remodeling head on over the for more tips

1. DO: Dream Big, But Budget Bigger

When beginning your remodeling journey, by all means, indulge in those dreams of marble countertops, gold-plated faucets, and maybe even a moat (hey, it’s your dream). However, when it comes to setting a budget, slap yourself awake and plan for unforeseen expenses. Add at least 20% to your estimate because let’s face it: dream moats aren’t cheap, and neither is fixing unexpected plumbing issues.

2. DON’T: Play “Follow the Trend”

Remember avocado green appliances from the 70s? Yep, so does everyone else. When remodeling, it’s easy to fall prey to the latest trends. While it’s okay to sprinkle in some modern aesthetics, keep in mind that timeless designs endure for a reason. Unless you’re eager to remodel again when the “in” color of today becomes tomorrow’s outdated eyesore.

See also:  Split Level Remodeling Ideas

3. DO: Play Nice with Professionals

Yes, we know you watched that DIY show, and now believe you’re the next home remodeling guru. But unless you’re a pro, recognize when it’s time to call one. And when you do, remember that honey attracts more flies than vinegar. Be respectful, pay on time, and understand that no, they don’t want to have lengthy conversations about each step they are talking in the remodeling process. That is taking time away from them to actually get the job done that you paid them to do.

4. DON’T: Overpersonalize (Unless You’re Never Leaving)

That life-sized mural of your cat might seem like an excellent idea now, but it could be a turnoff for potential buyers in the future. If there’s even a hint of a chance you might sell, try to strike a balance between what you love and what might appeal to the broader market. If not, go all in on that cat palace!

5. DO: Prepare for Life in a Construction Zone

Think living through a remodel will be a breeze? Picture this: morning coffee with a side of sawdust, romantic dinners under the soft glow of work lights, and the lullaby of drills to send you to sleep. Get ready to embrace the chaos. Setting up a temporary kitchen or living space can help maintain a semblance of normalcy.

6. DON’T: Make Hasty Decisions

That clearance tile might be calling your name, but pause before diving headfirst into seemingly good deals or snap decisions. Collect samples, compare, and visualize them in your space. Your future self, free from the clutches of “what was I thinking” remorse, will thank you.

7. DO: Protect Your Assets

When work gets underway, things get messy. Move and cover your furniture, valuables, and anything susceptible to damage. And that doesn’t just mean physical items. Relationships can also get strained during renovations, so maybe schedule some date nights or family outings to get away from the mess (and the stress).

8. DON’T: Forget About Permits

Unless your idea of fun is clashing with your local city officials (no judgment), don’t overlook the necessary permits. They may seem like just another bothersome step, but they exist for safety. Save yourself from potential legal and financial headaches. If you don’t pay for a permit, get the work done, and you have a disaster such as a floor or fire, your insurance company may not pay. Get a permit.

See also: Home Additions and Essential Tips for Adding On

9. DO: Expect the Unexpected

If remodeling has taught us anything, it’s that surprises lurk behind walls and under floors. Whether it’s ancient plumbing, mysterious wires, or that long-lost toy your kid swore they didn’t know where it went—it’s bound to pop up. Keep your cool and refer to Do #1.

10. DON’T: Lose Sight of the Goal

When you’re knee-deep in debris and questioning all your life choices, remember why you started. The discomfort is temporary, but the satisfaction of seeing your vision come to life? That’s worth every unexpected twist and turn.

In conclusion, while home remodeling may sometimes feel like navigating a minefield in stilettos, armed with these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be strutting your way to a more beautiful, functional, and valuable home. Happy renovating!

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