Where does Julianne Moore go design shopping? Which makers and designers does she call for her interiors projects? In a recent interview with Wallpaper’s Tilly Macalister-Smith, the Academy Award-winning actor and Wallpaper* Design Awards 2023 judge spoke of amassing her personal design collection, the designers that inspire her, and creating the interiors for her homes. ‘I’m always online. I can’t stop myself,’ she said.
Here, Moore opens up her personal address book of design favourites from around the world, many of whom we’re pretty fond of at Wallpaper* too.
Installation view of Charlotte Perriand at the Design Museum, 2020
(Image credit: press)
Andrea Zittel, zittel.org (opens in new tab)
Brian Sawyer, sawyerberson.com (opens in new tab)
Charlotte Perriand, from cassina.com (opens in new tab)
Commune Design, communedesign.com (opens in new tab)
Daniel Romualdez
Faye Toogood, t-o-o-g-o-o-d.com (opens in new tab)
George Nakashima, nakashimawoodworkers.com (opens in new tab)
From left, Night and Day 124; 125; 143; 145; 144, 2017, all by Jos Devriendt, from Demisch Danant
(Image credit: Photography Marko MacPherson, art direction Michael Reynolds)
Isamu Noguchi, noguchi.org (opens in new tab)
Ingo Maurer, ingo-maurer.com (opens in new tab)
JB Blunk, jbblunk.com (opens in new tab)
Jos Devriendt, devriendt.info (opens in new tab)
Joseph Dirand, josephdirand.com (opens in new tab)
Joseph D’Urso, @dursodesign (opens in new tab)
Julian Watts, julianwattsstudio.com (opens in new tab)
‘Hydrozoan’ and ‘Dune’ lights by Rogan Gregory
(Image credit: Stephen Kent Johnson)
Kelly Wearstler, kellywearstler.com (opens in new tab)
Luca Guadagnino, @studiolucaguadagnino (opens in new tab)
Massimiliano Locatelli, locatellipartners.com (opens in new tab)
Michael Bargo, michaelbargo.com (opens in new tab)
Muller Van Severen, mullervanseveren.be (opens in new tab)
Nancy Pearce, nancypearce.com (opens in new tab)
Paavo Tynell, from gubi.com (opens in new tab)
‘Echo’ bench by Kelly Wearstler Studio
(Image credit: Amanda Hakan)
Oliver Freundlich, oliverfreundlich.com (opens in new tab)
Pamela Shamshiri, studioshamshiri.com (opens in new tab)
Pierre Chapo, from magenxxcentury.com (opens in new tab)
Pierre Yovanovitch, pierreyovanovitch.com
Reed and Delphine Krakoff, pamplemoussedesign.com (opens in new tab)
Raina Lee, rainajlee.com (opens in new tab)
Furniture from Pierre Yovanovitch Mobilier
(Image credit: Florent Tanet)
Rogan Gregory, @rogangregory
Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, bouroullec.com (opens in new tab)
Sophie Dries, sophiedries.com (opens in new tab)
Studio KO, studioko.fr (opens in new tab), studioko.la (opens in new tab)
Vincent Van Duysen, vincentvanduysen.com (opens in new tab)
Ward Bennett, from hermanmiller.com (opens in new tab)
From ‘Born Too Tall: California Women Designers, Postwar to Postmodern’ at R&Company, Dining table in walnut and formica, by Greta Magnusson Grossman for Glenn of California, 1952. ‘Launch Pad’ tapestry in wool (on wall), by Evelyn Ackerman, hand-woven in Mexico, by Era Industries, Los Angeles, 1970. Dual-head table lamp in brass and enamelled aluminium, by Greta Grossman, made by Ralph O Smith, Los Angeles, circa 1948. Model for crown in brass, made by Merry Renk, USA, c. 1960s. ‘Lineal’ tapestry in hand-woven wool (on table), made by Evelyn Ackerman for Era Industries, Los Angeles, 1966
(Image credit: Courtesy R&Company)
New York
1950 Gallery
44 East 11th St, New York, NY 10003
Demisch Danant
30 West 12th St, New York, NY 10011
demischdanant.com (opens in new tab)
Galerie Half
235 East 4th St, New York, NY 10009
galeriehalf.com (opens in new tab)
Hostler Burrows
35 East 10th St, New York, NY 10003
hostlerburrows.com (opens in new tab)
Lobel Modern
Design Center, 200 Lexington Ave #915, New York, NY 10016
lobelmodern.com (opens in new tab)
Magen H Gallery
54 East 11th St, New York, NY 10003
magenxxcentury.com (opens in new tab)
R & Company
64 White St, New York, NY 10013
r-and-company.com (opens in new tab)
Los Angeles
JF Chen
1000 North Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038
jfchen.com (opens in new tab)
Eric Philippe
25, galerie Véro-Dodat, 75001, Paris
ericphilippe.com (opens in new tab)